Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ever Play 21? Why Not 21 Trivia?

I was websurfing the other day, and found a fun little trivia game, completely by accident. It's called the 21 Trivia Competition, and it's actually a competition. I think it's sponsored by an online casino, but it seems pretty harmless. It's a simple raffle drawing, basically, but with a twist.

The twist is, before you can enter for the prize, you have to play a trivia game about the number 21. The questions are bunched in groups of 3, and you can't go on until you complete a group. Each set of questions is harder than the one before. Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it?

Well, it is. The rules of the game even allow you to go googling for the answers (in fact, they encourage it!). I don't think they want anyone to get any wrong answers, really. Because once you've gotten to the end, and answered all the questions, you can enter the prize drawing. The prize is $21,000, which of course is a thousand dollars for each question, so that's a pretty good rate, I think.

And now, you ask, did I play the game? Yes, I did. And I found all 21 correct answers. Some didn't need much finding (3 times 7 is ?), but some were a bit of a challenge. And did I enter the drawing? Yup. I actually did. So now I wait.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Keeping it together

I have a large plastic container hidden deep in my closet underneath piles of other random things that seem to have no other place. This plastic box has a green handle that pops up for easy carrying. The box is rather heavy, although all that is in it are photographs, spanning my entire life; obviously from the days before digital photography.

Do you have an old repository of photos and aren't sure what to do with them? Go out and buy a photo album or even just a sketchbook, or even a notebook, if you don't mind lined paper. Then, go through your photos and categorize them and place them in your new scrapbook!

Scrapbooking - makes you think of old age, of lace, and flowery things, perhaps? Not at all. For those who like it simple, just paste in your photos and give them dates and captions. If you're a little more artistically inclined, try cutting things out of your favorite magazines, phrases and pictures in bright colors and gluing them around your photos in interesting and creative ways. And nothing says that your photos need to be glued straight, or in a line in the center of the page. Be different, be unique, do it your way.

In the end, you'll have volumes of visual testimony on your own life. And not only will it be yours, it will be a valuable resource for generations to come. The more I get into researching family history, the more I wish that my ancestors had preserved something attesting to their identities and lives.

So give it a try. You have my word.