Monday, October 6, 2008

What do You do for Fun?

So. I've been spending some time with this blog, just talking about what's fun, what do I do for fun, why I find it fun, what sort of things I'd change to make them more fun, and quite a bit about my kids, who are still little, and therefor a lot of fun to spend time with.

But enough about me for a day. What do you all do for fun? Comments are welcome, and I'd love to get a bit of a discussion going about what's fun and what's not, but mainly, I'd like to get some ideas. Sometimes, it seems that trying to enjoy life is like running your head into the brick wall of the DMV beauracracy; if you do it long enough, and with enough persistence, you'll eventually make some progress.

So what makes it so hard to enjoy life? Is it the ratrace of work? The never ending mountain of laundry in the back room? Or the fact that no matter how much overtime you put in, there're always more bills to pay and not enough money to pay them? How do you get around all of that? How do you escape?

I spend a lot of time with my kids, or with my friends. I try to make time with my wife as good as possible. I try to never lose sight of what's important, and to never forget about what's not important. It's not secret, that, but it does make life a little better.

So what do you do?