Sunday, June 14, 2009

This May Sound Familiar

...because I think I've written about it before. So what? It's my blog, I'll write what I choose. We took the kids to the park the other day, to get one last go in before the end of summer. A five year old, a three old, Mom, Dad, and a soccer ball. What could be better than that?

The girls played well together, like they always do... I love to watch them. They get along so well, even though they are so close in age. I watch them, and I realize that my wife and I must be doing something right after all....

The kids kicked and chased the ball, and climbed on the slides and monkey bars, and my wife and I sat in the shade and watched them, and actually had time to chat. It was great. The only thing we forgot was the picnic lunch.

So, about two hours later when the kids were hungry, we packed it in and went home. On the way, we stopped for groceries to make dinner: salad greens, chicken breast, cucumbers. All very simple, and happily, the girls' favorite stuff this week. We had dinner together, as a family, which is sometimes far too hard to do these days, but which is always worth it when we manage it.

All in all, it was a great day. Just fun with the kids, on a late September weekend, and some real quality time as a family. When we put the kids to bed that night, our 3 year old said, "Mommy, you're my best friend."

That was worth the price of admission.

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