Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Second Poker Night - Poker night, revisted

We did it again. Us guys got together for another poker night. Well, euchre night, anyway, since we didn't want Wade to win again, and there were only four of us this time, but you get the idea.

Anyway, the card game didn't go to well; no one really wanted to play. So we put Rambo on the DVD and turned on Wade's flat screen LCD TV. I tell you, that guy's got too much money. Maybe I'll get a sex change, marry him, and divorce him, just to finish paying off my house...

Well, not really.

Anyway, about halfway through the movie, we got bored with it, so we went out to the yard, beers in hand, and got some baseballs and gloves out of the shed. Honestly, I don't remember the last time I played pickle. I just feel glad that I still remember how to field and throw. So while we're out there in the backyard, tossing the ball around, Erik says that some guys from his work are looking to put together a softball team and enter the city league, and did we want to join, 'cause there weren't enough players in his department.

It didn't take long for us all to agree. I had a voice mail from him this morning, that the first practice game is next Sunday, and the first regular game is next Tuesday night, at the Civic Center. Apparently, there's only 9 guys on the team, so no one is allowed to miss a game.

And for the next few months, we'll have baseball night instead of poker night.

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