Monday, January 12, 2009

I Started Something

Back in college, I used to write. Mostly bad poetry, but also some very good short stories. About 10 years ago, I even started a novel. I guess everyone says that, sometime: "I'll write a novel one day," or, "I'll make a movie." It's that Andy Warhol 15 mintues dream that we all have.

So anyway, mine was to write a novel. I started it, and like most people who start novels, I never finished it. I never really got beyond writing a few scenes, actually.

But I never throw anything away, and more to the point, I never delete a file, so I found the disks the other day. They were stacked up on top of my desk hutch, and covered with too much dust. I brushed them off, and warmed up my old laptop which I haven't used in a while because it's too slow but had to use for this because my desktop hasn't got a floppy drive.

On the second disk, I found the dozen or so short stories that I wrote in college. I started reading them, editing them, and generally enjoying them. I felt ten years younger.

I don't think I'll do anything with them, but it was fun to relive an old hobby for a while. Who knows, maybe I will finish it one day, now that I've found it....

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