Sunday, January 25, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

I've mentioned here before that I have kids, and it's appropriate since there is very little out there that's more fun than a 5 year old and 3 year old. Provided, of course, that they're on their good behavior.

When that happens, the entertainment is endless. Last night, my wife and I were puttering around our place, tidying up, doing dishes, and other sundry fun chores, and we had the TV on for background noise. It was showing some documentary about a ballroom dance program at an urban elementary school; I don't know the details because I wasn't paying much attention to it. But my kids were entranced. The show had music, and dancing, and young children, and it had my kids' attention.

Pretty soon, they were trying to ballroom dance around the family room. My older daughter was leading, and the younger was following with enthusiam to make up for her lack of rhythm and balance. It was adorable. I made sure to get the digital camera, and send pictures to the grandparents. I already had an email back this morning, from my Mom, that she had the nicest surprise in her inbox at work today...

The funny part, to me, is that about half the housework never did get done. We both had to stop, to watch the kids dance and laugh and sing. When we put them to bed, we told them how proud we were of them, and how much we loved watching them dance. It's definitely something we want to encourage. It's a sense of uninhibited fun that neither of us has, but that can only serve the kids well in their lives.

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