Sunday, February 1, 2009

File Sharing

Sometimes, I'm a little behind the times. That's OK, though, because my wife is usually right up to speed. To give an example:

We've all heard of file sharing, music downloading services, and other fun internet based bypass routes around copyright laws. You know, things like Napster. I never got into that, mainly because I'm not that computer savvy, but also because, as a writer by profession, I have a certain respect for copyrights. Anyway, my wife is not a writer, has no such qualms, and is more computer-knowledgable than I am, so she found some free file sharing services and set them up on our home computer the day after we lost our CD collection in our stolen car (which is a whole 'nother story altogether!).

Yesterday, she sat me down and showed me how it works. Today, I have a dozen great tunes that I'd thought I'd lost forever, unless I shelled out the dough to buy the CDs again.

We had some fun last night. She showed me how to search the file sharing service, how to set up the server, how to select songs for download, how to connect to the system, and then we sat down and looked for our mutual favorites. I didn't expect to have a good time doing that, but I did.

And then she showed me that the same system can be used for movies and TV shows. Never again will I have to be without Star Trek!

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