Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Toast of the Town

The other night, my parents came over and stayed with the kids, while my wife and I got out for a while. We played a game we hadn't done since college. We call it 'Toast of the Town,' and it goes like this:

Go out late at night, to all of the late-night breakfast-type restaraunts you can find, and order toast. You can order coffee with it, but no meal. I'm talking places like Denny's, or Ram's Horn, or Sunshine Cafe.... any of those chain-type places, or the Mom-and-Pops that sometimes take their place in smaller towns and suburbs. IHOP is particularly good for this.

See how long you can go on toast and coffee, before you start feeling nauseous. Of course, back in college, there were a couple of bottles of Boone's Farm to go between breakfast places, and at the end, that famous Moons Over MyHammy if your stomach hadn't completely turned yet, but you get the idea. Eating wasn't the point.

I'm not sure what the point was, anymore. We didn't get very far. At the second place, we stopped and ordered pancakes and scrambled eggs and hot chocolate, and sat around remembering what happened when. It would have helped if the scrambled eggs were better.

Anyway, none of that matters. It was another sort of date night, at one in the morning, and every couple really needs that. It doesn't just keep you together; it's also fun.

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