Sunday, March 8, 2009

It Was Date Night Again

Sometimes, it seems that my life is just a series of recurring events. Fortunately, "Date Night" is one of those recurring events. If you've been reading here, than you'll know that Date Night is when my wife and I go out on a date. We get a sitter for the kids, and we just take off for two or three hours.

In order for Date Night to work, there are rules. These rules change from time to time, as we figure out what works and what doesn't. Last night, the rules were:

1) No talking about the kids. This was important, as said kids had been driving us nuts.

2) No talking about work. This was important, for the same reason.

3) No buying cigars. Last time, we shared a stogie and then tried to kiss....

So what did we do for Date Night? We recaptured our youth; we went to the roller rink! Ah, the joy of strapping wheels to your feet, and trying to stay upright for two hours.... What could go wrong? Well, considering that my wife is an excellent roller skater (and ice skater), and that I am not, I'll leave that question to your imagination. Suffice it to say that I will be invoking Rule 4 next time:

We always alternate who chooses the date.

Otherwise, it's just not fair, is it?

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