Sunday, March 29, 2009


Anyone reading this blog, even semi-regularly, will know that I have kids. The little ones are 6 and 3 now, and they seem to get cuter every day...

Yesterday, I was giving them a bath, and unfortunately, there was only one rubber duck in the tub. Conflict erupted almost immediately, as did a column of water about the size of the Empire State Building.... as well as a chorus of giggles and squeals.

I have to admit, seeing them there, laughing like that, each with her hand on a duck and most of the bathwater swirling down the drain in the center of the floor, it was hard to suppress a smile. But I did. And took away the duck. And ran a new bath. And sat there and supervised them as they got to work with their bath scrubbies. Neck, armpits, tummy... and then they washed each other's back. Sometimes, I can't believe I got so lucky, to have such great daughters.

It get's better, though. Right before I put them to bed, my wife went in to take a bath. And as she did, the 3 yr old followed her, took the rubber duck off the sink, and gave it to her. Because you just can't have a bath without a duck.

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