Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tennis, Anyone?

My wife plays tennis. She was actually on her college tennis team, and was pretty good. I've never picked up a racket before in my life. Can you see where this is headed?

Last summer, she took me out to the tennis courts to teach me the game. At least, that's why she said she was taking me. I think she just wanted to whoop me at tennis.

It wasn't pretty. I'm not terribly coordinated, and while I can hit a softball pretty well, a tennis ball is a lot smaller. And I never really appreciated just how much short-burst running is involved in this game. ESPN just doesn't make that clear.

And I never realized just how hard you need to hit that little ball. There's a reason why Stefi Graff grunts like that. Wow. That's some tiring stuff.

Still, I have to admit, that my wife is in pretty good shape. After two hours of lessons, I was bushed, and she'd barely broken a sweat. A lot of times, fatigue depends on what you're used to doing.

Next time, I'll sign her up with me in a co-ed softball league.

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