Sunday, April 26, 2009

Showing your Face, online

Facebook is such a lousy excuse for a life. Yet you use it, don't you? Perhaps even a lot? Well, guess what? So do I.

My new favorite Facebook-related time-waster is the Pieces of Flair application. I've always been the type of girl to affix that sarcastic pin to the lapel of her jacket or to some piece of her backpack and Pieces of Flair makes that hobby virtual. So now, instead of or along with tapering an article of clothing with expressions of self, you can do so online. This is where the fun of it is for me - that for a shy, introverted type like me, Facebook is a place of my own, in which I can express myself and my own personality (which most people simply seem to think isn't there) to the hilt if I so desire. It's almost like advertising yourself: see! I am a human being with a spirit and a sense of humor, just like you! It's just that I don't show it so easily in a large, crowded group of people.

It ain't a disease, people. I don't need medication for it. And I'm certainly not the only one. Presumably, people that you don't know or only slightly know regularly check your profile for updates; you know, because we're all voyeurs. The fun of Pieces of Flair for me is that I can put up virtual buttons for every side of myself - the place I live, my loves of singing, dancing, and reading, movies I like, sarcastic comments I would actually make, and so on and so forth. It's a no-pressure online environment in which people may get a chance to see you for who you really are.

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