Sunday, April 19, 2009

Date Night, Redux

My wife and I had another Date Night. Well, we called it Date Night, but we actually went out for breakfast. We had pancakes.

We both believe that it's absolutely vital for a couple to do this periodically, just go out together and have a date, even though it's been years since we've actually dated. It keeps things fresh. It keeps life exciting. It reminds us of why we got married in the first place.

So the other day, we dropped the kids off with my wife's sister, and we went out for pancakes. I had chocolate chip pancakes, my wife had blueberry. We both had plenty of maple syrup. Afterwards, we wandered around our little suburban downtown, at 11am on a Sunday morning, and just held hands. Once, years ago, when we first started seeing each other, we wandered around the same neighborhood sharing a cigar.

We didn't have a cigar this time, and we've changed a lot since then. She's gained some weight, and I've gotten a little grayer, but somehow the couple we see reflected in the shop window is still 22. It's funny how that happens, isn't it?

With fun times, there isn't always a lot to say. After all, how much can you say that the day was good, and the company was better? But this was the best of mornings, and I know we'll do it again.

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