Sunday, May 17, 2009

MP3: Can't Live Without 'Em

I work from home, as an Internet writer. Sounds glamorous, but what it really means is 8 to 9 hours a day in front of the computer, working on projects that thousands, or even millions, of people will see and never know that I wrote. It can seem a little thankless.

Fortunately, I enjoy my job. I love writing, I love the every-changing online world, I love being part of the cutting edge, even if that part is a little dull to some. And, it pays well. And, I don't have to go to an office, dress up nice, or spend my mornings primping, shaving, grooming, etc. I can go two days without shaving, work in my underwear, and never comb my hair... not that I do that, though: my wife would freak. But I do get to spend the summer days wearing shorts and a T-shirt even while I'm working.

I telelcommute, and meet with my clients (some of whom are on the other side of the world, while others are merely on the other side of the continent) via webcam. Messenger, AIM, and Gmail chat are my best buddies.

And so are my MP3s. That's what I really want to talk about. What I love most about my work is that I can choose the working conditions. And I choose to have a soundtrack.

No matter what my mood, I can find some music for it, to make my workday a little more pleasant. I can sit back and listen to the Rolling Stones, or Bob Dylan, or Billy Joel. If I want something more eclectic, I can put on the mix files my cousin sent me. When I'm a little down, I'll put in Cyndi Lauper; when I'm feeling mellow, U2; when I want to rock, Bruce Springsteen.

Life has a soundtrack, folks, and if you listen closely, you can sing along with it. And the best part is, I don't need headphones.

Happy listening!

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