Monday, May 11, 2009

Those Sunday Mornings

Last Sunday, I got up early (at 4:30, no less!) showered, cleaned up the late-night dishes in the kitchen, went out to the all-night grocery store down the street and picked up some staples (flour, backing powder, vegetable oil, frozen blueberries), and came home to make some coffee and start breakfast. By 7, when the kids got up, I had blueberry pancakes waiting for them.

That was a good morning. Almost as good as my breakfast date with my wife. She was pretty amazed when she got out of bed an hour after the little ones, and saw how everything was quiet, the kids were eating, and the second batch of breakfast was still warm.

She loves blueberry pancakes.

So after that morning, I got to enjoy a lazy Sunday. The kids ran around the yard, and my wife took out her sewing machine and made a skirt. I took a nap on the couch.

For lunch, we ate the leftover pancakes, cold, with blueberry jam. It was perfect. Only fresh blueberries (instead of frozen) could have improved that day.

So what do you do to fill those weekend hours, when you haven't got anything productive planned? A quiet day at home, doing things with the family, left me feeling recharged, despite getting up at such an unholy hour. Fun and relaxation come in so many different varieties; which one we actually need at a given moment can be hard to figure out.

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