Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Greetings for the First Time


We're on. Live. Blogging.


I'm not sure how you got to this blog, but I'm glad to have you here. It's nice to cybersee you.

I've never written a blog before, and I don't know the rules, so bear with me. I thought I'd write about things I know- just a choose a topic- and see what happens. The topic here will be "Fun."

I just thought of that. Clever, huh?

Seriously, though, let's talk about fun. What makes things fun? Why do some of us call it fun, and others call it boring with a capital "B?" What, exactly, do we call fun, and how does it change? I'm a historian by trade, and this how I think...

I want to make this blog public, and open to comments. As I explore the subject of fun, feel free to chime in, and add your own $.02. You can even tell me where the 'cent' symbol is on a keyboard. Learning that would be a little geeky, and it would appeal to my love of trivia. Is that fun?

You get the idea- I want to talk about fun things in a fun way- explore the history of fun- determine the idiosyncrasies of fun- and most of all, have fun doing it.

So I'll be back later, with a post on something I have found fun. I'll talk to you then.


Unknown said...

Doesn't it seem that fun today is an artificial experience dictated by social norms. Why do we have to act like sheep going to the slaughter in order to have our fun. People tell me that they were partying all night, getting drunk and flirting with a lot of people, and it was fun. I would like to see a revolt against this fun of servitude, and explore what is real fun.

Unknown said...

In continuation on my rant of why fun is forced upon us, let me run this thesis by you. In the age of prehistoric man, and verified by the Flinstones, when a man wanted a woman, he would go with his club to the local market, take a woman to be his and that was fun. Nowadays, the guy takes his car, goes to the club and takes a woman to be his. Is our fun no different to what cavemen were doing thousands of years ago. Did we create the concept of fun just to fulfill our sexual desires. If we do things just because it is enjoyable, does that make us no different from the monkeys in the zoo that are masturbating every other hour.

BlogKing said...

It is precisely to the point that you not we have not changed since Prehistoric times. The fact is that "fun" still refers to pastimes which bring us casual pleasure. However, I hope you find in this blog that there are more sophisticated and interesting forms of fun than just those which bring us carnal pleasures.