Thursday, March 29, 2007

Spring is Here

It's springtime, finally. I saw the first robin the other day. I think I'll have to set up a picnic soon.
Picnics are always fun. My first date with my wife was a picnic. We took a basket of sandwiches, a bottle of wine, and a blanket, and went out to my old college campus on a weekend afternoon, and sat out by a little lake. We watched the birds and the clouds, and the wind in the trees, and by the time we'd finished the first sandwich, I knew I was going to marry her.
We don't live out that way anymore, but there's a park not far from here, with a pond and some good shade trees, and we still have that old rough blanket...
It's getting time to call the babysitter and go out for a weekend afternoon, to have a picnic and watch the birds and the clouds. Maybe it's escapist, maybe it's overly nostalgic; I don't know or care. But a picnic with my wife, to celebrate the start of spring: that's fun.
When the weather warms up a bit more, I think I'll take the kids out to that park. There's a small fishing pier on the pond, even though I don't think there are any fish in there, but it's the perfect place to teach a 4 year old how to fish. There's no risk of actually catching anything.

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