Wednesday, May 2, 2007

She Taught Me How To Dance

I was watching my daughter yesterday. She was dancing, which is nothing unusual for her.

Dancing is a very special thing for her, and she does it a lot. For her, a dance involves a lot of wide, sweeping arm movements, a gentle sway back and forth, and turning in a circle. If the music speeds up, she'll run around in a big circle. My wife jokes that whatever she does, she does in three steps: talk about it, sing about it, do an interpretive dance.

You might have guessed already, but the kid is just 4. Right now, dancing is her life. I think it helps to calm her down, and make sense of the world. Or maybe she just thinks it's fun. Sometimes, she'll dance with a wild abandon that any mosher would envy, and other times it looks like she's following well-defined steps.

Now, for my part, I have never been much of dancer. I haven't got a good sense of rhythm, and I am very self-conscious aboug how I look on a dance floor. I think I can use some lessons from my daughter.

For her, dancing is pure freedom of movement. Watching her, I can see that her dance is highly formal, but also highly free-form. It's relaxation, translated into movement.

Or maybe I am analyzing this too much. After all, she is only 4.

I hope she never loses this dance.


Samson said...

Kids have a wonderful freedom from inhibition and self-consciousness. I pray that she never loses this precious gift.

Unknown said...

your daughter is beautiful, she has found god. she has found her passion, now its time that you make it YOUR most important thing in life. i love dancing, i can feel where she goes when she is at it...
try and look deeper, when she dances and her eyes are automatically shut, she is with god... and through her, so are you. good luck and god bless.
Honest Suggestion: Get her into formal training ... NOW.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.