Sunday, May 27, 2007

We Went on that Picnic

A few posts ago, I said that I liked picnics. I even started out with my wife on a picnic. It was time to go on one again, and last weekend was too beautiful, so we took advantage of it.
I packed the portable grill, a cooler full of hot dogs and Cokes, and some fishing gear into the back of our snazzy little Focus hatchback, packed the kids into their car seats, and the lovely wife and I took off for the nearest State Park at 10:30 on a Sunday morning.
Our timing was perfect. It was early in the day and early in the season, so it wasn't crowded. We spread out our blanket under big oak tree, not far from the little pond with the fishing pier, and fired up the grill while we watched our daughters, 4 and 2, run around in a sand pit.
When the grill was ready, and the little one was napping, we showed our older daughter how to cook a dog on a skewer over the flames. I even had a chance to sneak a kiss or two with my wife, and remind her that our first date was exactly 9 years ago. She smiled, and said she knew.
After lunch, I took my 4 year old to that little fishing pond, helped her set up a rod, and cast for some fish. She wasn't scared when we caught a koi, but she wouldn't touch it, either. She said it was "Eew." When I threw the fish back, she said he was swimming home.
Good intuition on her part, because it was time for us to head home, too. It was a great day, though. And a lot of fun.

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