Thursday, July 12, 2007

Softball Night

I think I've mentioned that the guys and I stopped our regular card night; Erik had told us that his department at work was putting together a softball team for a city league, and needed some extra guys to fill up the roster. We all jumped at it, and now we play ball every Sunday and Tuesday. I'll be honest. We suck; haven't won a game yet.

That's not important though. We have a good time, and even though we have a perfect record (haha), we're not getting blown away. Game scores are usually something like 7 to 5, or 9 to 8, and we usually only have two or three gross errors in a game. I'm not so sure about the guys from Erik's work, but me and the other non-work guys aren't there to win, anyway. We're just having a good time.

We've got the minimum number of players on the team, nine guys out of eleven permitted. Our roster has 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base, shortstop, pitcher, catcher, and three outfielders. League rules permit a fourth outfielder and a DH, but we just couldn't get the players. Fortunately, everyone's able to commit to the games, so we haven't had a forfeit yet.

There is one other team in this league (20 teams, total, I think) that also has only nine players, and they have had to forfeit a game when a guy couldn't make it. I heard that after the loss was recorded, they put their shortstop in a shallow left position, and played the game anyway, just for kicks. It's that kind of league.

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