Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Playing for Peanuts - Another Softball Game

Yup, me and the guys played another softball game.... And had another loss to our "perfect record." It's a good thing that we're really just there for the fun of it, or this would get very frustrating very quickly.

The last game was rather amusing, though. Our shortstop hurt his wrist, but didn't want to leave the game, because we didn't have an extra guy to take his place, and the catcher lost his glasses, but couldn't leave either, for the same reason. So we had a shortstop who couldn't throw, and a catcher who couldn't see. It felt like we were Charlie Brown's baseball team out there....

It did lead to some amusing antics, though. Our shortstop managed to make three tag-outs, and as Yogi Bera (was it Yogi; I don't remember) once said of a particularly inept catcher, "You gotta have one, or you'll have a lot of passed balls." At least there weren't too many passed balls. Although the catcher did tag out the ump at the plate, because the other team's shirts were a similar red design.... Erik (he's the guy who's work is sponsoring this team, remember?) wanted to go crawl under a car in the parking lot, after that one.... Poor guy is managing us.

We had a practice two days after that debacle, and Wade brought us new T-shirts. They are emblazoned with the name, The Peanuts, on them. Very apropos, I think....

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