Monday, July 9, 2007

I Have Discovered Online Video Games

I've always loved video arcades. Maybe I've mentioned that already, I don't know because I don't feel like reading back through this blog right now... Anyway, I love video games. Back in college, I could blow whole rolls of quarters at the arcade, usually on pinball, or a monster game called "Rampage." It's been a while since I really played my heart out at an arcade....

And it will probably get to be a longer while, because I have discovered the amazing world of free online video games. Wow. The choices are limitless. Again, wow.

In the last week, I've found game sites with versions of Missile Command, Pac Man, and even Space Invaders. I felt transported back to my youth, but without having to beg for change. My wife muttered something about "colossal wastes of time," and said that the yardwork had better get done, but fortunately, it was raining....

...And I got to lock myself in the study and play games.

So what are the pros and cons of online video games? Well, the biggest advantage is that you can find practically any game you want, for free. All you need is a good computer, a high-speed internet connection, and a flash player, and you're good to go. Most of you probably know that already.

Make friends with Google. It'll help you find the games you're looking for.

There are drawbacks, though. Going to the video arcade used to be a social thing, but internet games are a solitary endeavor, so once the novelty wears off, there's not much incentive to stay online...

It was fun while it lasted, though!

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