Thursday, August 2, 2007

Painting the Rooms

Even the worst household chores are better when you do them with your kids.

Last weekend, we painted my daughter's room pink. There are three things you need to know about this, to truly understand how this impacted me.

First, I hate house painting. I just really hate it. It's the one chore that I absolutely cannot stand. My wife actually likes painting rooms, and she truly enjoys planning out the colors, and has fun with the whole process. For me, though, it's the only chore that will always be just another chore.

Second, my little daughter looked up at me, with her big brown eyes, and asked, "Please, can you paint my room pink, Daddy?"

Finally, my daughter's four. And she's a really big girl, now. And because she's four and really big, she insisted on helping.

Put all this together, and it means that I spent last Sunday afternoon moving furniture, spreading dropcloths, pulling pictures and posters off the wall, and, after all that, washing two gallons of pink matte finish off a four year old. Oddly enough, the room looked pretty good at the end. You can't even tell which parts I painted, and which parts she painted.

That part, her help, actually turned out better than I expected. For a hyper little kid, she listened very well, paid attention to what she was doing, and kept at it, putting a coat of pink on the lower half of one wall, for almost 20 minutes before she got bored. I guess even a four year old can get the nose to the grindstone if it's a grindstone they like. I'll have to remember that particular lesson in parenting.

We didn't even get any paint on the floor. So even though I don't like house painting, it was still a pretty good Sunday.

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