Thursday, August 9, 2007

This is Something I Have Wanted for a Long Time

Don't tell anyone this, but I have a deep, dark secret.

I wasn't always such a cool guy. In my youth, I was even a geek.

Yup, it's true. And my inner geek is still with me. A few days ago, it got out.

You see, while I was web surfing, I found this page:

This web page is geek heaven. It's all the great text adventure games by Infocom in flash format. I'm sure you remember the text adventures; you were given scenarios, written out (hence the name, text adventure), and you told the game what you wanted to do. I used to love these games, Zork, Planetfall, and the rest, when I was a kid. And now I have just found them again, for free...

It's been at least 20 years since I've played the, of course, so I didn't really remember the walk-throughs. That was no problem, though... A short Google search later, and I found the solutions to all of the games on that site. The solution pages also had links to maps, and other information about the original Infocom releases of these games.

I'm not sure that Infocom (or at least, it's game division) exists anymore. These games are all from the 1980s (a few are from the early '90s), and of the pages I found with other game-info, the most recent was last updated in 2000.

So try out these games; they're a blast. Some of the puzzles are pretty simple, and others will keep you up at night. And you'll notice that I didn't include any link to the "cheats!"

1 comment:

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