Monday, August 20, 2007

Summer Festivals - Festivals rock.

It's summertime, and all over the place, towns are having, planning, starting, or cleaning up from, their summer festivals. You know what I mean; those outdoor art fairs, and carnivals, dance festivals, and what have you that it seems every town in America puts on in the summer.

'Til recently, I lived in suburban Detroit, and had the good fortune to get to choose from some really good festivals, all just a short drive away:

There was the great Ann Arbor Art Fair, the smaller Royal Oak Art Fair, an even smaller (but still fun) West Bloomfield Art Fair, and for the last several years, the fun Arts, Beats, and Eats in Pontiac.

There are others, but those are the ones I usually went to. Of them all, I think that Arts, Beats, and Eats was my favorite. You can probably tell from the name, but it wasn't just an art fair. Restaurants from all over the Detroit area had booths there, and there were scores of musical performances as well. Last year, I stayed up late to see Verve Pipe. They're good, but I think that they were better back before they got big. One of the best shows I ever saw was Verve Pipe at a cheesy little meat-market of a dance club in Kalamazoo, back in 1993, I think. That rocked.

There was plenty of good stuff in the art booths, too. I found some really cool earthenware goblets, with food-safe glazing, and bought six, just to have set of wine cups. They're nice; heavy clay with plenty of heft.

And I'm starting to go on and on. I wanted to talk about summer festivals in general, not this one in particular. Anyway, I'll talk more about this later.


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